Proxy Servers and Proxy Software

Proxies and Proxy Software are shared IPs that are used by all and each Internet users. There're tons of sites listing these free proxies daily. You can find really a lot of them but did you ever thought why they are free?
The answer is easy than you can imagine: they are shared with your for a profit and nothing more. That's not a secrete anymore that people create free staff to attract an attention to a service or to earn some money.
How exactly they earn? When you use shared Proxy server, all the Internet data are going on through the Proxy server without any encryption, i.e. owners of this server can see and collect this info. Next, this info can be used in different ways to earn money:
1) It can be sold to:
advertisers who need some info about potential clients in different fields; to hackers who want to learn wick sides of sites or users' connections holes;
2) they may use this information personally for different occasions like spamming, fishing, scamming, sending viruses and many others.

REMEMBER!!! You will never know who exactly share a FREE Proxy.
Anonymous Software

In most cases anonymous software is a kind of software that encodes all the traffic passing through its servers. It should be noted that anonymous software share its servers or IPs only with registered users.
The difference between paid and free anonymous software
IMHO we should understand that all what is free never will provide good quality. Paid services provide high speed of the Internet because they control each and every user' allowed speed resources and therefore no one will hurt.
With a paid anonymous software you get regular updates and useful tips to be protected on regular basis. Also you get a high professional technical staff which you can contact any time and you can be sure to get a fast reply.
One more thing about paid anonymous software is that they have an excellent ability to hide and change a real IP. That means that your IP will never find your IP banned on any site because a service controls the usage of IPs for legal actions only (no illegal activities through a service should be made or your account can be easily banned).
That's all what I wanted to say today. Thanks for staying with my blog and feel free to comment this post with any questions or additions. :-)
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